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Skatepark Clean Up session - Best Foot Forward

  • Women Skate the World Amsterdam Netherlands (kaart)

Want to contribute to a better world while also enjoying a skate contest? We’ll join forces at the Best Foot Forward contest at Skatepark Zeeburgereiland for a Trash Cleanup!

What: A quick trash hour all the while checking out a sick skateboarding contest

Why: Contributing to a better world through skateboarding, and to show the people living around the skatepark that skateboarders care for the environment <3

When: Saturday August 27th 15:00 - 16:00

How to join? Send an email to nanja@womenskatetheworld.com to claim a spot and some cleanup gear!

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 25 augustus
Latere gebeurtenis: 5 september
NEW WAVE - Skateland Rotterdam